As we move away from existing fuel sources, there is a need to maintain consumer choice with pricing and usage. The increasing use of "embedded systems" steals that choice from consumers, forcing them to sign on with only one provider - and to pay whatever that provider chooses to charge. People should be able to freely choose who they are provided by, and what fees they are willing to pay - and to change providers when they need something more suitable to their finances and household need.
Sounds a good idea but I need to understand more about embedded systems and their pros and cons
Embedded systems are private providers of utilities, such as hot water, electricity, gas, internet, television, intercom. Tenants MUST sign with them for access, or go without. There is no choice. You pay whatever the company chooses to charge. You cannot switch to a better deal with any other company. They claim it is convenient and cheaper. The reality is that the private providers are often owned by the developers, so you pay them more for everything. (ie Frasers Property owns Real Utilities)
Also, embedded systems can complicate the process of moving house. You have to shut down the old account, then open a new one with a new provider / company EVERY time you move - and hope there is no administration delay. Unlike the service provided by public companies (eg Energy Australia, or Origin) where you can simply switch your account from old to new address.
Electricity embedded networks are privately owned and managed electricity networks that supply electricity to multiple customers within a specific area or building. Embedded networks generally buy electricity in bulk and then on-sell it to customers inside their network.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation