Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), from Parkville, highlights existing EVIDENCE. The associated Timescales, Expense, Skills GAP, Legal and regulatory Barriers, and SOCIAL Acceptance of nuclear power renders the technology UNPROVEN in Australia.💰🕑🎲❓ Thats 15 years in which to reduce CO2 & Costs starting Now & not relying on a nuclear fantasy/distraction.⏳ Clapped out Coal clunkers need Replacement over next 4 years. PV & Batteries Can Do in 10yr, proven tech.
Unless modular nuclear plants are safe and commercially available, this will be the case
Australia must look beyond 2040 to provide energy security for future generations. We need to go down the nuclear path in tandem with renewables to ensure our 2050 targets are reached.
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