Batteries needed to STORE PV solar, discharge KW at Night

Batteries needed to STORE PV solar, discharge KW at Night

In 4 years there will be a lot more Batteries to store kwh than there are now. 4 battery types; Home, Neighbourhood, Pole, Car BEV With increased PV output Storage is key; & it is coming soon. DEMAND more storage in your district! Pumped Hydro is also storage; it is quite costly, takes time🌓 HUGE quantities of wind & PV energy are currently Curtailed ie wasted due to economic reasons or lack of storage. MPs need to fix this fast as FITs for rooftop PV approach zero in Victoria. Use it at night


It speaks to a spirit of local innovation and cooperatio that is really needed to address this crisis. It suggests macro and micro policy working in creative synch to move things along.

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