Earth-Centred, Feminised Politics

Earth-Centred, Feminised Politics

How do we change politics to puts earth in the centre? How do we feminise politics – not just putting more women into power, but changing how politics is done in a way that centres the experience of female-assigned people? What can we learn from beavers in how to do politics?


Encourage more voices

Cross-pollinate ideas

Schools declare climate emergency

Bring people together more

Find shared concerns

Sign up as an Earth Protector

Beyond Social Media

Ease acting differently

No blame culture

Nature Connection

Challenge fear

Deepen Conversations by Acknowledging Fear

Local People's Assemblies

Rebel Gardening! Replace concrete with plants!

Bring permaculture to your neighbourhood

Local Citizens' Assemblies


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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information